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This is an alphabetical list of countries of the world, including both internationally recognized and generally unrecognized independent states, inhabited dependent territories, as well as areas of special sovereignty. It covers all areas under the jurisdiction of the listed countries, namely territory, territorial waters (including internal waters and contiguous zone), Exclusive Economic Zone, continental shelf and airspace. For a list of independent states only, see the list of sovereign states.
The names of countries in the list are given in English and include both an English version of the short official names (e.g. Afghanistan) and an English version of the (longer) official names (e.g. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan).[1] The listing of any name in this article is not meant to imply an official position in any naming dispute.
Contents: | Included entities - Entities not included A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
On this list are 243 entities considered to be countries. This corresponds to:
In the Annex, an outline is given on the entities not included in this list.
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