صنعت عرصهای از تولید اقتصادی است که به مقادیر فراوانی سرمایه گذاری پیشاپیش نیاز دارد پیش از آنکه سودی بتواند بدست آید.
موفقترین صنایع در هر بخش، معمولاً شرکتهایی هستند که با حجم خوبی از سرمایه آغاز کردهاند یا نوآورانی زودهنگام که فناوریهای ویژهای را برای نخستین بار به بازار آورده اند. این گونه روندها حجم زیادی از سرمایه را به سرعت از راه فروش فراهم میکند تا با آن بتوان به روند پژوهش برای بهسازی فناوری پرداخت، چیزی که برای ادامه موفقیت لازم است.
An industry is generally any grouping of businesses that share a common method of generating profits, such as the "music industry", the "automobile industry", or the "cattle industry". It is also used specifically to refer to an area of economic production focused on manufacturing which involves large amounts of capital investment before any profit can be realized, also called "heavy industry.". As-of 2004, Financial services is the largest industry (or category of industries) in the world in terms of earnings.
Industry in the second sense became a key sector of production in European and North American countries during the Industrial Revolution, which upset previous mercantile and feudal economies through many successive rapid advances in technology, such as the development of steam engines, power looms, and advances in large scale steel and coal production. Industrial countries then assumed a capitalist economic policy. Railroads and steam-powered ships began speedily integrating previously impossibly-distant world markets, enabling private companies to develop to then-unheard of size and wealth. Following the Industrial Revolution, perhaps a third of the world's economic output is derived from manufacturing industries—more than agriculture's share, but now less than that of the service sector.
In economics and urban planning, industrial is an intensive type of land use and economic activity involved with manufacturing and production.
Industri är framställning av produkter genom att råvaror förädlas. Något striktare kallas detta tillverkningsindustri.
Därutöver finns mer detaljerade grenar som råvaruindustri, textilindustri, byggindustri, bilindustri m.fl.
I vidare benämning är industri all form av storskaligt näringsliv - som exempel finns begreppen turistindustri, nöjesindustri och filmindustri. Den vidare betydelsen har sitt ursprung i påverkan från engelska, där ordet industry har en bredare innebörd än vad ordet industri har haft i svenska.